My story, my novel

This is my first attempt at a full-length novel - an ambitious, edgy young adult sci-fi. Because I'm an overachiever (or a complete idiot) I had no outline, and now I have 50,000 words and disparate scenes scattered all over the place. My Fin-Yoda-Nomo goal is to write the missing scenes, string the pieces together, like stringing pearls onto a necklace. (I used to be a jewelry maker.)
An agent told me that my manuscript has promise (happy dance), so I'm determined to finish it.
And yes, that really is my picture. It's my Halloween costume -  a mime.    ~ Andrea

To join the Fin-Yoda-Nomo minions

To register, e-mail Asheville Literary Review. Type: " I, ______ , of my own free will, register for Fin-Yoda-Nomo. I hereby swear to FINISH MY DANGED NOVEL by Nov. 30th upon penalty of embarassment." That's it! Or, use your own words. We are writers, after all. 
We will post messages on this site as the month progresses. Please e-mail us with your progress! 
Here goes....
Get your half-finished novel out of the drawer. Do NOT read it, or you will be sucked into the Rewrite Vortex. Do give it casual glance to reacquaint yourself with the plot.
Decide what you want to accomplish. Write the second half, write the missing scenes, rewrite the ending scenes...
Determine your word count goal. Divide by 30 to figure out your word-per-day goal.
Tell several people what you are doing. Promise them that if you don't finish, you will give them each one million dollars (or your car / spouse / firstborn).
Cancel your subscription to DirectTV. Swear off facebook, Twitter.
Tell your spouse or friends to slide pizza under the door at feeding time.
Stock up on caffeine and junk food. Charge your laptop. Get into the zone. 
Circle Monday, Nov. 1st  on your calendar. We finish Tuesday, Nov. 30th!
Good luck!

<  Insert your text here.
Preparations!  I stocked up on Monster Energy Drinks, coffee & chocolate. I raided my daughter's Halloween candy stash and ate all the evidence. I even ordered a Fin-Yoda T-shirt and bookbag. I AM SERIOUS!!!  Fin-Yoda minions, take a deep breath. Get into the ZONE. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Feel the heady rush of adrenoline. You are a rock star writer. Please post to Asheville Literary Review with updates, requests for sympathy, and / or inspirations.